Tag Archives: The A-Team

Die Hard 5 on the Horizon

12 Feb

by Chris Petersen

The Wrap has confirmed that Die Hard 5 is officially in the works, but it is still a long way off. Skip Woods (The A-Team, X-Men Origins: Wolverine) is attached to write, but there is no script yet. The director is yet to be determined, but Noam Murro (Smart People) is in talks with the studio now to take the helm.

I am disappointed to hear this. I thought that the last film was a good note to end on, even if it was a watered down version of the original. It wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad either. To put Bruce Willis, who would be 55 if they started shooting this year, in a film that is written by a questionable screenwriter and a directed by someone whose only major credits are commercials and a mediocre full-length feature, has the potential to be a disaster. I hope that I am wrong, since John McClane is one of my personal heroes and I would not want his legend tarnished. I think if I heard that a better director was in talks with the studio, I would feel a little more comforted.

What do you think? Are you excited about the prospect of Die Hard 5? What will the title be?


6 Aug

I’m interested to know what everyone thinks the worst movie of the summer is so far.

If you answer “Other”, please be sure to write it in the comments!