Tag Archives: Bad Santa

**Trailer Time** Bad Teacher, Apollo 18, and a new Sucker Punch Trailer

23 Feb

Brian “Pac” Sostak

New trailers are the light towards a brighter future for this years crop of new releases.  With January and February so far being a disappointment, we can look forward to the spring and summer seasons chock full of new releases.  In this edition of “Trailer Time” we look at two films coming out this spring and one releasing this summer.

Bad Teacher: Releases June 24, 2011

Cameron Diaz has not been in a raunchy, vulgar comedy since 1998 when she was featured in both There’s Something About Mary and Very Bad Things.  Thirteen years later here she is dishing out the profanity in what appears to be a reincarnation of Billy Bob Thorton’s Bad Santa.  Since Diaz is not the box office draw she once was, the filmmakers were smart to put a strong supporting cast around her including Jason Segal, Lucy Punch, Justin Timberlake, and Phyllis Smith.  Diaz plays a potty-mouthed junior high teacher raising money to purchase breast implants to woo a new colleague (Timberlake).  This trailer is definitely NSFW due to the excessive language, so if you’re in the office grab your headphones.

Apollo 18: April 22, 2011

The “real footage” horror movie seems to be a popular trend for companies to make a quick buck.  Using unknown actors and “home footage” keeps the costs down and for now people are still finding the style compelling and suspenseful.  You’re likely to see 5 more Paranormal Activity films before that franchise runs out of steam but in the meantime feast your eyes on Apollo 18.  Created with a budget of only 5 million dollars, Apollo 18 takes a sci-fi/horror classic in Alien and blends it with Paranormal Activity.  I was pretty interested for the first 2/3 of this trailer when it looked more like Alien, but when it made the shift from creature feature to possessed crew member I began to lose interest.  With this film releasing only a week after one of my most anticipated films of the year, Scream 4, I may not want to see two horror films back-to-back and will may wait for Netflix to catch this one.

Sucker Punch: March 25, 2011

I’m beginning to become more excited about this movie’s release for a number of reasons, many having nothing to do with the actual film.  Being the earliest of these films to release, Sucker Punch marks the beginning of the spring/summer season that will hopefully have me looking forward to visiting the theater more frequently.  Additionally, Sucker Punch is the last look we’ll get at Zack Snyder’s portfolio before the release of the highly anticipated Superman: Man of Steel in December 2012.  On the fence about how good this movie will actually be, there is no doubt from the trailers that it will be visually stunning and a treat to watch in theaters.  The third trailer doesn’t show us much more than the previous (over played) trailer but does feature a little more action and special effects.