Tag Archives: Charles Xavier

**Trailer Time** First Look at “X-Men: First Class”

11 Feb

Many people were looking for this trailer during the Super Bowl, but I am glad that they decided to wait a week and release a full length trailer for X-Men: First Class. The trailer was released yesterday via their facebook  page and is now all over the internet with the fanboys chatting about their approval/disapproval of its look or how true to the comics they think it will be. So, here is the first full- length trailer for you to voice your own opinion about:

At a first glance, I don’t know what to make of it. I like the fact that they are really establishing the characters of Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr, letting them be fully fleshed out to give some perspective on the rest of the series (I just wish they’d done it earlier). However, I think the rest of the film looks about the same as the others, but with better acting. We’ll just have to see I guess. I hope it goes above and beyond the last two X-Men related films (that includes X-Men Origins: Wolverine), it doesn’t have to try that hard, but it will be difficult to top the first two X-Men films. I have a lot of faith in Matthew Vaughn and the rest of the cast, so I can’t wait to see how it turns out.