Tag Archives: Lionsgate

Matthew Weiner Clears the Air on “Mad Men” Deal with AMC and Becomes My Personal Hero

1 Apr

by Chris Petersen

Earlier this week, several sources reported that the fifth season of AMC’s award-winning, period drama Mad Men was delayed until March 2012 due to some disagreements in the negotiations of creator Matthew Weiner‘s contract. The rumor was that Weiner was being offered $30 million for two years, but that AMC had the following stipulations that did not suit Weiner:

– There would be more product placement in the show.

– Each episode would have to be cut by two minutes to allow for more commercials.

– Weiner had to cut up to six cast members over the next couple of seasons.

And we're guessing he wouldn't cut the women.

These statements were all true, but it was unclear whether or not Weiner had accepted these terms when the announcement that the 5th season finally got the green light.

Weiner finally spoke up to a couple of different sources about exactly what is going on with the show now. Deadline reported that Weiner had claimed to have walked away four or five times over the last couple of days because he was objecting to some of the terms. Weiner said, “It was never about the money. I wanted to do the show I wanted to do and that the audience has come to expect.”

So, Weiner’s artistic integrity managed to come to a compromise with AMC for two more seasons, as well as an additional seventh season that Lionsgate, the production company, offered him (which will be the last season). While he conceded that the show’s episodes will be cut from 47 to 45 minutes, the full “director’s cut” will be available eight days later on Video On Demand (which is how I usually watch it anyway), and on the DVDs. He also managed to talk AMC down from having him cut cast members, which I’m sure the actors were relieved to hear, and he no longer has to add more product placement in the show.

He told The Wrap that, “I would have walked away from the show if we didn’t reach the deal we did. I’m very happy with the way things are going to be.”

I am proud of Weiner, who consistently makes great, quality television, and holds true to the heart of the show while keeping his audience in mind. Props to you Matt! I can’t wait for Season 5!

Your bald head shines a bright light of artistic integrity for others to follow.