Tag Archives: Mission:Impossible 4

The Return

30 Aug

I have finally returned after being down for the count with some unfortunate surgery and have a lot of material to catch up on, so hopefully, I can regain some of the readers that I have lost over the last couple of weeks.

First off, congratulations to “Mad Men” and “Modern Family” for winning best drama and comedy series at the Emmys. From what I have seen, these two shows deservingly got the awards. Season Three of “Mad Men” used its superb ensemble cast and brilliant writing to progress its intricate story to a great finale. I can’t wait to finally be able to review the fourth season, but from what I have seen so far it will not disappoint.  “Modern Family” is one the best additions to the fall TV lineup, bringing one of the first non-traditional family siticoms to the small screen with one of the best scripts and characters that have been written in a while. So, congrats to both these shows for getting the recognition they deserve.

Next, why won’t the “Mission: Impossible” franchise die already? I’m not saying that I didn’t like the first and third film in the franchise, but its appeal has greatly decreased in the last four years, especially if they keep Tom Cruise as the lead. I have heard that Jeremy Renner, of”Hurt Locker” fame, will be stepping into Tom Cruise’s shoes, but apparently not before Tom Cruise headlines the next film in the franchise. I can only take so much of Tom Cruise creeping around and staring people down, putting on masks of better actors that I would like to see more than him and like a sick joke taking them off at crucial moments.

Rawr!!! I'm a scary secret agent!

What I think this franchise needs is a “Casino Royale” type treatment, more grit and a more anti-hero type lead, which I think Jeremy Renner can do. While this may not appeal to fans of the original series, I think Mission: Impossible 2 took away an semblance of what the original show was like.

Third, I am glad critics saw Piranha 3D for what it was. I have to say that I was a bit cynical as well with this film and that it would just be plain stupid. Well, I was right, it was stupid, but highly entertaining. The film pulled no punches and didn’t try to be anything more than it was. Plus, it had one of the best horror-massacre type scenes that I have seen. I will have a full review up shortly.

What the heck is going on with “Vampires Suck” making the Top  Ten at the box office for the second week in a row? I am not saying that I don’t dislike the Twilight movies, they are cinematic travesties, but I would actually  prefer to see those films make another 10 million than watch another Seltzer and Friedberg movie become justified to the movie studios by making a profit. These guys are the most un-funny people on the planet and would love to see them star in the next “Human Centipede” film so they can have a taste of their own medicine and know what it feels like to have excrement shoved down their throats.

So will this movie.

I hope to write more by the end of the day and it feels good to rant again. Thanks for continuing to read and let me know in the comments if there is anything you want me to blog about.