Tag Archives: Jessica Biel

Quick Take: Amy Adams to play Lois Lane

28 Mar

On cue coming out of the weekend is our DC Comics/Warner Bros. casting news of the week.  After speculation going into the weekend that Michael Shannon is in consideration for an unidentified villain in Superman: Man of Steel, possibly the most anticipated role (aside from Superman himself) has been officially cast.  Amy Adams (The Fighter) will play famed reporter Lois Lane in Zack Snyder’s adaptation releasing next December.

Amy Adams is an inspired choice for the role and beat out a list of many other high profile actresses that included: Diana Argon (Glee), Malin Ackerman (Watchmen), Kristen Stewart (Twilight), Rachel McAdams (Wedding Crashers), Kristen Bell (Forgetting Sarah Marshall), Jessica Biel (The A-Team), Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World), and Olivia Wilde (House).  Amy Adams will be yet another high powered name added to the picture and will join fellow Oscar nominees Kevin Costner and Diane Lane.  Adams is coming off an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress for her role in The Fighter


Now That Superman is Cast, Who Will Play Lois Lane?

2 Feb

Unless you were buried under a rock this last week, you know that Henry Cavill is cast to play Superman in the upcoming Zack Snyder film Man of Steel. Now that the largest piece of casting is out of the way, who will play Clark Kent/Superman’s love interest, and Daily Planet Reporter, Lois Lane?

Rumors have already started flying around faster than a speeding bullet. An Australian film website, What’s Playing, released the inside scoop about the rumored casting call list. Among the names listed were Kristen Stewart, Rachel McAdams, Malin Ackerman, Dianna Argon, Kristen Bell, Jessica Biel and Mary Elizabeth Winstead. But now, the Latino Review is reporting that Olivia Wilde may also be in the running. This was from a source that is working on Wilde’s current project, Kin, claiming that that film will get pushed back if Wilde gets cast in the new Superman flick. I am sure that after the dust has settled, like most rumors, there may have been some validity to these statements, but mostly speculation.

But I sure hope not.

Out of the rumored names tossed into the chaotic intricacies of the rumor mill, I think that I would settle for Wilde, McAdams or Ackerman (who Snyder worked with before in Watchmen). One of the names that I wouldn’t have liked, Kristen Stewart, CinemaBlend has thankfully put my heart to rest that having her range of three mumbling static emotions dumped into Lois Lane, will not be happening.

This would have been the poster child for emo Superman.

I think Wilde and Ackerman would provide a more modern approach, which I really hope Snyder is going for, and McAdams would be a more classic look at the character. I like all three of those actresses and would be satisfied with any of them filling the high heels of Lois Lane.

What are your thoughts? Who should play her?

Talia Al Ghul to take on Batman in The Dark Knight Rises

12 Jan

With so much casting “news” floating around about Christopher Nolan’s third installment of the Batman series, The Dark Knight Rises, it is hard to know what to believe.  However, today’s rumor sounds a lot like earlier rumors we heard about the film and may have a little more insight into the film’s production.  Casting listings seem to be circulating listing a group of actresses that could potentially fill two roles for the film.  A few months ago, a similar list was “released” stating that one of the roles would be a potential love interest for Bruce Wayne and the other a villain.  Names on the casting list this time around include familiar faces such as Keira Knightly, Anne Hathaway, and Naomi Watts but also include new names such as: Jessica Biel, Kate Mara, and Charlotte Riley.

Pregnant women need not apply

hat makes this story news-worthy is not that new names are being thrown around for these roles (some more familiar than others) but that the reported villain that is to be cast will be Talia Al Ghul, daughter of Ra’s Al Ghul played by Liam Neeson in Batman Begins.  It makes sense that Talia would be cast in this film, bringing Nolan’s trilogy full circle and adding continuity to the story he’s established.  I was hoping that TDKR picked up where TDK left off and introduced both Hugo Strange and Harley Quinn as the villains, but I trust Nolan’s and Goyer decision to move on with Talia Al Ghul.

The Dark Knight Rises is currently slated for release on July 20, 2012 and based on the previous 2 films we probably won’t know too much until then.  Still, TDKR will certainly be one of the most talked about projects until then as the anticipation builds.  How do you feel about Talia Al Ghul being portrayed in the next Batman film?  Which one of these actresses would you most like to see fill the role?